Top 10k strings from Five Doctors, The (1986)(Kevin O'Shea).z80
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5 q$="PUSH BUTTON" 3 q$="PULL LEVER" 3 q$="OPEN BOX" 3 q$="LIGHT LAMP" 3 q$="LIGHT FIREWORK" 2 q$="PLAY KASTERBORUS" 2 q$="PLAY HARP" 2 q$="LOOK TARDIS" 2 q$="LOOK POCKETS" 2 q$="LOOK POCKET" 2 q$="LOOK PLANS" 2 q$="LIFT HATCH" 2 q$="FLICK SWITCH" 2 q$="EMPTY POCKETS" 2 q$="EMPTY POCKET" 2 a$="CLOSE" 2 a$;" what?": 2 "You'll need a match": 2 "You wait": 2 "You sit": 2 "You see nothing special": 2 "You play the Harp": 2 "The Dalek is facing the north wall...perhaps if you push it?": 2 "The Console has a Button to pushand a lever to pull": 2 "The Console core rises and falls": 2 "An archway appears in the wall to the South!": 2 "A tunnel.": 2 "A maze of passages!": 2 "5 DOCTORS" 1 z$="The Death Zone.": 1 z$'"There is a hole in the ground." 1 z$'"There is a Cyberman camp here." 1 z$'"There are Laser bolts to the west.": 1 z$'"The Dark Tower is to the east inthe distance.": 1 s$="Scratched into the steps is the letter '": 1 r$="You hear the voice of Rassilon! He says:": 1 r$'"""YOU ONLY HAVE TO SAY A WORD!""": 1 r$'"""THE WORD IS DOWN THE STAIRS!""": 1 r$'"""ON MY HAND YOU SEE THE RING OF RASSILON! IT WILL BRING TO THE WEARER IMMORTALITY! WEAR IT IF THAT IS YOUR DESIRE.""": 1 r$'"""JUST FIND THE RIGHT PLACE!""": 1 q$="WEAR RING" 1 q$="UNLOCK" 1 q$="UNLOCK TARDIS" 1 q$="UNLOCK DOOR" 1 q$="TURN KNOB" 1 q$="TURN KEY" 1 q$="TURN HANDLE" 1 q$="TOUCH PAD" 1 q$="STRIKE MATCH" 1 q$="STAND" 1 q$="SCORE" 1 q$="SAY MATRIX" 1 q$="SAY ""MATRIX""" 1 q$="REMOVE SHEET" 1 q$="READ WRITING" 1 q$="READ SIGN" 1 q$="READ OBELISK" 1 q$="READ NOTE" 1 q$="PUSH KEYS" 1 q$="PUSH DALEK" 1 q$="PULL SHEET" 1 q$="PRESS" 1 q$="PRESS KEYS" 1 q$="PRESS BUTTON" 1 q$="OPEN WINDOW" 1 q$="OPEN SAFE" 1 q$="OPEN HATCH" 1 q$="OPEN CASKET" 1 q$="OPEN BELL" 1 q$="LOOK YETI" 1 q$="LOOK WRITING" 1 q$="LOOK WINDOW" 1 q$="LOOK SPHERE" 1 q$="LOOK SCROLL" 1 q$="LOOK SAFE" 1 q$="LOOK ROBOT" 1 q$="LOOK PIE" 1 q$="LOOK PAINTING" 1 q$="LOOK OBELISK" 1 q$="LOOK NOTE" 1 q$="LOOK MONITOR" 1 q$="LOOK MIRROR" 1 q$="LOOK MACHINE" 1 q$="LOOK KEYS" 1 q$="LOOK KEYBOARD" 1 q$="LOOK KEY" 1 q$="LOOK HATCH" 1 q$="LOOK HARP" 1 q$="LOOK FISH" 1 q$="LOOK DESK" 1 q$="LOOK DALEK" 1 q$="LOOK CYBERMEN" 1 q$="LOOK CONSOLE" 1 q$="LOOK COMPUTER" 1 q$="LOOK BOX" 1 q$="LOOK BELL" 1 q$="LIGHT MATCH" 1 q$="KILL DALEK" 1 q$="FEEL PAD" 1 q$="EAT PIE" 1 q$="15000" 1 q$;" YOURSELF!": 1 o(q)=line: 1 o$(q),o(q): 1 m$="KASTERBORUS" 1 m$="270772" 1 m$'"isn't the combination!": 1 d$="Everything is dark!" 1 c$="A Corridor.": 1 c$'"You can see an Obelisk.": 1 a$="UNLOCK" 1 a$="TOUCH" 1 a$="THUMP" 1 a$="STRIKE" 1 a$="SMASH" 1 a$="SHOUT" 1 a$="SCREAM" 1 a$="PRESS" 1 a$="EXAMINE" 1 a$="ENTER" 1 a$="DESTROY" 1 a$="BREAK" 1 a$="ATTACK" 1 You hear the voice of Rassilon! He says:C 1 The Death Zone.D 1 Scratched into the steps is the letter ' 1 INTO THE TARDIS BERKQ 1 Everything is dark!R( 1 A Corridor.S( 1 ;"locked." 1 ;"'the symbol representing the "'"circumference of a circle to thediameter ie: 3.14159265 ' 1 ;"'ENTER CODE: 1 ;" Beware the Ring. 1 ;" PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE " 1 5 Doctors I 1 .DON'T MOVE!" 1 ,"SPHERE",3200 1 ,"SCROLL",1 1 ,"PLANS",2000 1 ,"PIE",4900 1 ,"NOTE",2200 1 ,"MIRROR",1100 1 ,"MATCH",1 1 ,"LAMP",4100 1 ,"FISH",2500 1 ,"FIREWORK",4300 1 ,"BOX",3800 1 );("West," 1 );("South," 1 );("East," 1 );("Down," 1 '''"Your final score was ";sc;"."'''"Brave Heart Doctor!": 1 '''"What now Doctor? "; 1 '''"Other useful words & commands:"''"GET DROP PULL PUSH OPEN WAIT SAVE QUIT SCORE UNLOCK SAY 1 ''"The TARDIS materialises!"'"Your other selves bid you fond farewells and leave.": 1 ''" ...It is as though great chunksof your past are detaching them-selves like melting icebergs."'''"The Time Scoop is being misused to transport you and your other selves from their proper places in Time and Space to The Death Zone on Gallifrey."''"Someone is using you to secure the famous Ring of Rassilon on their behalf..." 1 '"You can also see:"' 1 '"To examine an object then enter 'LOOK' and the object name for example...'LOOK KEY'. To do thisyou must be in possesion of the object!"'"You can also examine other itemsnot in capitals in the same way e.g: 'LOOK DALEK' or 'LOOK BOX'." 1 '"Enter TWO words only in the formof Verb and Noun. For example...'OPEN BOX' or 'GET SCREWDRIVER'.Single word input will also be accepted. For example 'WAIT' or 'SIT'." 1 '"Directions should be entered as single letters...i.e: 1 '"2. To discover the identity of 1 "and then you close it again": 1 "Your score was ";sc;".": 1 "Your aims Doctor are as follows:"''"1. To become ""whole"" again by"'" joining with all of your 1 "You'll have to shut the doors before this will work!": 1 "You'll have to find out how": 1 "You wll receive marks as you play the game. To find out just how well you are doing, type in 'SCORE'."''"For further help on playing the game, just type in 'HELP' at anytime."'''"Your adventure starts on"'"The Eye of Orion..."''''"Brave Heart Doctor.": 1 "You wait...": 1 "You touch!": 1 "You take out a match," 1 "You stand": 1 "You sing": 1 "You see your other selves! You greet them all.": 1 "You see the TARDIS."'"The open door of the TARDIS is facing south." 1 "You see a robot fighting with Cybermen." 1 "You see a desk.": 1 "You see a Musical Box with a small handle." 1 "You see Mike Yates and Liz Shaw they beg you not to go further!": 1 "You see Jamie and Zoe - they begyou not to go further!": 1 "You say """;b$;"""": 1 "You push the Dalek who fires wildly. It's firepower destroys the north wall and also reboundsback to destroy itself... 1 "You open the box..." 1 "You make a noise": 1 "You look in your pockets": 1 "You light the lamp": 1 "You light the firework... it terrifies the Yeti who scampers away...": 1 "You light a match..."'"It flares up, then goes out": 1 "You input ";m$'"but nothing happens": 1 "You hear a tune, which you 1 "You hear a familiar groaning sound...": 1 "You have with you:"' 1 "You have scored ";sc;" out of 100.": 1 "You have fallen down a hole."'"There are two holes above you...the one you came down (which is very high up - you cannot reach it) and another one which you can just get through." 1 "You have been captured by the Cybermen! They intend to hold you for interrogation. You are completely surrounded." 1 "You flick the switch": 1 "You eat the pie": 1 "You can't": 1 "You can't! You deplore violence": 1 "You can't see it here ": 1 "You can't go that way": 1 "You can't carry anymore": 1 "You can see the TARDIS. The opendoor faces south." 1 "You can see the Death Zone": 1 "You can see the Console": 1 "You can see a window.": 1 "You can also see a large bell fixed on a stand.": 1 "You can also see a computer on a table. It is working." 1 "You are wearing a long Edwardianblazer ...with deep pockets!": 1 "You are in a tunnel."'"The mouth of the cave is West. The tunnel goes East...but it looks very dark!" 1 "You are in a corridor.": 1 "Which 10 keys to you wish to press? In order please: 1 "West is an open-ended Transmat Beam. East is a Library and to the South is the Castellan's Office." 1 "Use the controls": 1 "Unlock what?": 1 "Try pushing it!": 1 "To the east is a hatch.": 1 "To open it you have to lift it": 1 "To look around a location more closely enter 'LOOK' (this is good practise on every location you come to)."''"Objects printed in CAPITALS 1 "To Save this game enter 'SAVE'": 1 "Time Lords are not destructive": 1 "Though the hatch is open, the Yeti bars your way east through it." 1 "They look mean!": 1 "There is no need": 1 "There is an open archway to the south." 1 "There is also a ladder going up." 1 "There is a very ferocious Yeti here, growling and guarding the hatch.": 1 "There is a sign here." 1 "There is a painting on the northwall.": 1 "There is a ladder going down.": 1 "There is a destroyed Dalek here and a huge hole in the wall to the north." 1 "There is a Dalek here!! He does not seem to spot you." 1 "There are ten keys... they are numbered 1 to 9, and one has a decimal point on it": 1 "There are numbers on the scroll - 277072 and a faintly written message... 'From R to L'": 1 "The window doesn't open": 1 "The top of the bell is tilted back to reveal a knob." 1 "The top of the Stairway."'"Steps lead down." 1 "The small Sphere is a Transmat Recall device with a Button on it marked 'PRESS'": 1 "The sheet has been pulled back to reveal the body of Rassilon!" 1 "The safe is open." 1 "The plans are written by Lord President Borusa, proving him guilty of misusing the Time 1 "The outer doors open": 1 "The outer doors close": 1 "The open outer doors are north." 1 "The note is not complete but it reads..."'"'the symbol representing the"'"circumference of a circle to thediameter ie: 3.14159265 '": 1 "The note is not complete but it reads..."' 1 "The music sounds nice": 1 "The monitor says -"'; 1 "The mirror you are carrying is deflecting Laser bolts." 1 "The mirror is deflecting them." 1 "The machine is interesting": 1 "The machine controls the Time Scoop and has a switch labelled 'FLICK'": 1 "The machine comes alive and yourfourth self is released from theVortex and transported to the Tomb of Rassilon": 1 "The lasers barring your passage South disappear - as easy as PI!": 1 "The hatch is open." 1 "The hatch is closed." 1 "The entrance is guarded by a robot." 1 "The end of the tunnel.": 1 "The edge of the Zone."'"There is a small pool here." 1 "The door of the TARDIS faces south. It is ": 1 "The casket is open." 1 "The bottom of a hillside." 1 "The Yeti is in the way": 1 "The Tomb of Rassilon."'"You can see a large altar. On the altar you can see a sheet.": 1 "The Tomb of Rassilon." 1 "The TARDIS will not respond, it is held by a force field."'"Console instruments suggest thatthe power stems from a source close by, but high above ground": 1 "The TARDIS Console Room.": 1 "The Obelisk has writing on it": 1 "The North wall has slid open to reveal a secret room!" 1 "The Main door slides up": 1 "The Main door of the Tower is": 1 "The Inner Council Library."'"There is a casket here.": 1 "The Hallway."'"The floor is made up of large black and white squares." 1 "The Entrance Hall."'"West is the open Main door."'"The Hall continues South where on the floor are huge black and white squares.": 1 "The Death Zone on Gallifrey."'"In the distance to the east you can see the Dark Tower." 1 "The Console core is moving up and down." 1 "The Console core comes to a halt": 1 "The Conference Room of the High Council of Time Lords." 1 "The Castellan's Office."'"There is a large safe here.": 1 "That doesn't seem to work": 1 "Temper! Temper! This isn't like you Doctor!": 1 "Sorry, don't understand": 1 "Save the game? Input 'Y' or 'N':";m$: 1 "Push what?": 1 "Pull what?": 1 "Please use the 'LOOK' command": 1 "Please type in the name of the piece of music you wish to play - "; 1 "Please enter the combination (six digits please): "; 1 "Now where did you put that key?": 1 "Not yet Doctor!": 1 "Laser bolts bar the road east." 1 "Just input a direction": 1 "It's just a pie...perhaps it's a clue": 1 "It's already alight": 1 "It's a red herring": 1 "It says:"''; 1 "It looks like a Police Box": 1 "It is very angry!": 1 "It is the force field control desk. There is Touch sensitive pad on it": 1 "It is the TARDIS key": 1 "It is the Raston Warrior Robot, the most perfect killing machineever devised...DON'T BREATH!! Just be patient!": 1 "It is the Harp of Rassilon": 1 "It is bigger on the inside than on the outside": 1 "It is a painting of Rassilon playing a Harp from sheet music ...the title of the music is 'KASTERBORUS'": 1 "It is a closed matchbox": 1 "It has a keyboard and a monitor": 1 "It has a hinge, as though it should open": 1 "It has a combination lock": 1 "Foolish Doctor! It is all part of the Game of Rassilon."'"You find immortality as the Mindof Rassilon transforms you into a stone portrait on the altar inthe Tomb."'''"Your score was ";sc;" out of 100.": 1 "EXITS: ";("North," 1 "Don't be silly! The TARDIS is dematerialised": 1 "Do you wish to continue with thecurrent game? Input 'Y' or 'N': ";m$: 1 "Do you mean 'READ OBELISK'?": 1 "Deadly lasers dance from square to square and bar the exit to the South." 1 "Cybermen appear from the west. The Raston Warrior Robot moves to attack them. The robot is so busy in battle, he won't notice if you slip into the cave to theeast...": 1 "Congratulations Doctor. You havereleased your TARDIS.": 1 "Another game? Input 'Y' or 'NO':";m$: 1 "A thin ledge.": 1 "A thin ledge which goes East... It looks dark in that direction!" 1 "A large courtyard."'"West is the open hatch and East is the Main door of the Dark Tower. It seems to stretch far above the clouds." 1 "A hillside on The Eye of Orion. You can see the TARDIS." 1 "A corridor.": 1 "A cliff face. In the cliff to the east is a cave entrance.": 1 "A Stairway.": 1 "A Secret Room."'"There is a large machine here." 1 "A Hallway."'"There are stairs leading up." 1 "3.14159265" 1 " find a key!": 1 "...but one of you is missing! Your fourth self is trapped in the Time Vortex - he must be released before you are whole!" 1 "'UNLOCK DOOR' would be better!": 1 "'I' will give an inventory of all that you are carrying." 1 you have made their way to 1 who or what is misusing the 1 the Tomb of Rassilon. " 1 recognise as 'Kasterborus'": 1 other selves, including your fourth self who is trapped 1 in the Vortex. The rest of 1 can be carried or dropped." 1 You can now go north": 1 Time Scoop.": 1 TO LOSE IS TO WIN AND HE WHO WINS SHALL LOSE 1 TEN CHARACTERS PLEASE' 1 Scoop in an attempt to get you or one of your other selfs to secure the Ring of Rassilon for him!": 1 NEWS CAN GET YOU OUT. 1 LIFT TURN PRESS FLICK"'"...and many others!": 1 Immortality! 1 He who wears the Ring shall get the reward he seeks... 1 (north,south,west,east,up and down)."''"'R' will redefine the location you are in." 1 'N','S','W','E','U' and 'D'